Saturday, April 1, 2017

Matter is Solidified Thought

Monism means the universe is made of a single substance. Basically. So materialistic monism means that matter accounts for everything in existence. As opposed to say interactionist form of dualism. Dualism means their are 2 substances. Example mind and matter.

So materialistic monism says that mind is just a product of matter. Dualism would say that mind and matter are separate from each other. Interactionist means they interact with each other.

The way they view consciousness collapsing the wave function is an interactionist form of dualism. Mind and consciousness are separate and mind is interacting with matter. This will be explained more later.

Now I'm going to suggest something different. Conscious monism. That means that consciousness is the singular substance everything is made of.

Matter is solidified thought.

Matter can't account for consciousness. However consciousness can account for matter. For those of you who remember their dreams. Every night consciousness accounts for the substance of the world.

Let me give you an example. Imagine a dream. Imagine you are dreaming right now. Go look around touch the wall. What is this substance that the world is made of?

So lets apply it to the previous world views.

Materialist monoism: So this world is made of matter and the matter is giving rise to your consciousness. Okay it could works. On the surface but remember this was a dream. In the morning you are going to wake up. Now if the "quote" real world is materialistic monoism. Then the dream can't be. Simply because if it's the body in the real world that gives rise to your consciousness. Then a different body in the dream would give rise to a different consciousness and your consciousness would be tethered to the matter that gives rise to it.

So while you were dreaming *****applying materialistic monoism to the reality you experienced***** was false. Since the reality we experience. The "quote" real world is experiential then it may be erroneous to apply materialist monoism to it as well.

Interactionist form of dualism: So mind and matter are seperate. So your dream can be matter that big banged, abiogenesised and evolved itself into a seperate independently existing universe. With different rules, you know cause sometimes you can fly and stuff. So your consciousness is over there in that matter universe and when you wake up it returns to this matter universe.

Each of your dreams big bangs, abiogenesis and evolves it'self into a seperate physcially existing universe.

Interactionist for of dualism is only slightly better than materialist monoism.

Conscious Monoism: So if matter isn't a fundamental of nature just consciousness. Then what is this matter that your world is made of. So pick up an object hold it look at it. Stop and think about it. If this is a dream and the analogy that we are using is that you are currently dreaming. So what is that matter made of? Solidified thought.

Now lets bring it back to reality. You wake up. So what is your world under conscious monoism. The "quote" real world. It's still solidified thought. Consciousness is all there is. All you did is go from one form of dream to another.

Conscious Monoism: Matter is solidified thought.

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